Monday, February 4, 2013

Did You Hear the One About . . .?

I guess a well known comic recently made comments meant to denigrate the Bible and anyone who reads it seriously. Maybe he meant no harm. Maybe he was just trying to be funny and George S. Kaufman missed the writer's session.

I don't know anything about the comic, his show or what watching it says about his viewers, but since he wanted me to know what he thinks, I'd like him to know what I think.

I'd like him to know that I've been reading the Bible seriously for awhile and though a natural born skeptic, I'm sometimes floored by the depth of expression, universality of message and the often satisfying way it speaks to a deep place in me. I'd like to tell him how I hear a ring of truth I can't explain and occasionally sense a naked awe that sometimes stops my breathing. I would mention being startled by a kindness so surprising, comforting and personal that sometimes brings tears. I don't understand all of it. I don't even like all of it. That too leaves an imprint on me.

I hope he experiences the Bible that way someday and genuinely hope it doesn't take him as long as it's taken me. I'm not mad at the guy, I just want him to know, that's all.


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